Steak Shock!!

Well, who'd've thought it?! (Probably lots of you, but not me!)

I thought steak was relatively low in calories, so when I paired up the Hairy Biker's Cumin Crusted vegetables (199 calories a portion) with a smallish (250g) piece of steak I thought that was a reasonable main meal. Oh no! Oh no!
I discover, via My Fitness Pal, that my piece of steak weighed in at over 500 calories. Eeeeeeeeeek!!

I was left with 190 calories for the rest of the day. Luckily we'd eaten our main meal at lunchtime - it suits Mr FD's digestion better, plus I'm not working so I don't need to take sandwiches and can cook at lunchtime - so it gave me the opportunity to go for a walk. I was a little ambitious, so I was only able to log the first part as "moderate" pace on MFP. After about 45 minutes, my sciatica started to complain (on the other side today - just for variety!) so I slowed down to a "slow" pace. But I did a good hour-and-a-quarter's walk with some up in it, meaning I was breathless for some of it. It gave me enough leeway to have soup, bread and (what luxury!) an ounce of cheddar cheese for my supper!

Hairy Chicken Korma today - 294 calories per person + 50g of rice. I will try to go for another walk as well - if not for the calories, for the health of my back!


  1. I never thought of steak as having loads of calories. Now I'm bummed. But, I do love the Hairy Bikers so I'm going to have to google that recipe :)

  2. O MY GOODNESS...I am sitting here, laughing like a LOON. I'm finding sore spots I didn't know I had until now. I've been doing a lot of shoveling of gravel, tractor work, farm work and am stiff and sore.
    Anyway, I'm laughing until I have tears in my eyes...OH SO FUNNY!
    Thank you for both the post and the photo...both are hilarious!
    Er, sorry about the calories.

  3. When I was loosing weight for horse race riding many years back I used to liver on meat and salads, it worked for me but then it is much easier when you are young. My Cape Brandy Pudding is not for those on diet, so it is a good thing the dates put you off!!. Take care Diane

    1. That was supposed to be live on - not liver!!


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