May all our weeds be wildflowers

Hello dear Peeps! I hope you are all well! We have sunny weather here today so I'm feeling quite sunny too!

We spent this morning sorting out the courtyard - it's looking good now. Sadly I have lost my lead for joining the camera to the computer so I can't show you any photos, but never mind! A couple of weeks ago Mr FD spent lots of tme and energy putting new log borders around the two flower beds, and decimating trimming the trees, which has opened up the space a lot. He cut the (self seeded) buddlia right back so that our Bleeding Heart can go b-zongo.

Which it has. This isn't ours; it comes courtesy of this site By the time this dies back the buddlia will have grown up again.It's in a rather dry, shaded rocky bed, so I've just thrown a load of seeds (labelled "For dry soil") at the area and I've got my fingers crossed.

Today Mr FD jet washed the courtyard while I planted up all our pots/ old mini-barbecues/ washing up bowls with various petunias, lobellias and lavender plants. The two roses got themselves sorted out a bit and the courtyard looks nice now. I've got a sweet, rather ramshackle café chair out there in a corner too - it's from the balcony, but over the winter one of the nuts-and-bolts rusted up completely and then sheered through, so you can't sit on it. It's a rather nice little feature

                                                        It looks nothing like this though!!!

I also finished off the balcony too. I'd planted a lot of catnip seeds in a planter, thinking it would be nice for the cats, but unfortunately the VBKs took to using it as a handy toilet, so THAT got emptied out. I rescused a few tiny seedlings which are now in a pot, so I hope they'll grow. I've got troughs sowed with a wildflower mix, hanging baskets with fuschias, lobellias and petunias, and lots of trailing geraniums planted up too. I have also planted a couple of troughs of beans, three tomato plants and lots of herbs. If it all thrives everything should look lovely!! Of course, due to the VBKs all the planters have to be protected with pigeon spikes, either to stop the cats using them as handy toilets (saves going inside!) OR eating the baby seedlings. Last year the blooming cats ate all the strawberry plants before any strawberries could reveal themselves - and this year the chives have taken a bit of a chewing!

Not mine - theirs - but I hope mine will look as nice in a few weeks time!

It's not quite the Ice Saints, but as the forecast is for 27° next week, I'm guessing things should be okay! I don't think we'll be getting any more frosts this spring!
Cathy is coming for an apèro (or three!) later to admire our work, so I'll have to get dinner prepared so I can just pop it in the oven. We're having leftover spicy-pork-and-rice layered with aubergine slices and covered in arrabiata sauce, baked for about half-an-hour. Hopefully it will be nice.
I'm away in the UK on Wednesday to Friday - just taking the opportunity of going to Limoges with a friend, from whence there are direct flights to Liverpool. It's mum's birthday on Tuesday, so it will be nice to see her. When I get back I'm preaching on the Sunday, so I'm trying to get my sermon written before I's started quite easily, so I hope this will continue!!
Because of my trip away meals are not very well planned - I've bought a lot of ingredients, so I hope that I'll be able to get some semblance of food from them (!) In fact I can't even remember what I've bought so I can't enlighten you! I do know that we have lamb tagine tomorrow, and a turkey-and-red-pepper pasta sauce planned for when I get back on Friday (which I'll make & freeze on Tuesday, I think!) but apart from that I've got no idea. Sorry!
As always, thank you for your comments - I appreciate you taking the time to write something.
KEZZIE & GILL both commented on the delicious sounding-ness of the recipe in my last post. Let me assure you both that it was delicious! They also both commented on my idiocy over my watch (which, let me say, is no longer running 10 minutes slow!!)
GILL - we eat at about 7.00 - just let me know when you're coming!!


  1. Can I come for that pasta? It looks scrummy!!!!
    Nice you are going to the UK. But when and where are you here for the summer!??!x

  2. excellent, you eat at 7 pm we eat at 5 pm, so I could eat two main meals a day couldn't I!!! Find the lead for you camera as we all want to see photos!!!

  3. what a lovely sentiment! may all Your weeds be wildflowers too!


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