Life is so endlessly delicious.*

(* full quotation: "Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.” from Ruth Reichl)

Hello Dear Peeps! I'm back up to 128 Followers again - how exciting! Thank you for joining us for the ride Jan from The Great Escape. Jan is planning her escape from teaching - and not a moment too soon, judging by the tales of her SMT. I started reading another blog where a teacher (only in her second year) was so disillusioned by the state of schools today (or rather, what teachers are being asked told to do and how they are being treated) that she plans to leave at the end of this academic year. It is really sad - but I quite understand: I was in this situation 15 years ago, and, despite our slightly precarious financial situation, I do not regret it one bit. I could not return to mainstream education now. I would not return to mainstream education! 

Sorry, a bit of a rant. Here is a Great Big fat Dormouse Welcome for Jan!

Last week's food seemed to consist of tomatoes and courgettes in various guises - Chicken Provençal, Pasta Bake, roast vegetables with merguez - very nice but a tad same-y. This coming week is slightly more interesting:

TODAY: Hairy Dieters' Beef & Coconut curry with roast spiced cauliflower. This isn't the Hairy Dieters' recipe, but is quite close. This is Jamie Oliver's recipe for the cauliflower. I'm a tad dubious about the cauliflower (as I'm not a great cauli fan) but I'm willing to give it a go with some cauli that we've got lurking in the freezer.

SUNDAY: The aforementioned (in several posts) Duck-breast-and-duck-potatoes. Planned many times but never eaten! Everything is in the freezer, except the green beans, so it is easy to do. Or not do, as the case seems to have been several times!

MONDAY: Pesto cod parcels, potato wedges and asparagus. I haven't got cod, I've got haddock (aiglefin in French) but I guess it will do. I hope it doesn't make the house smell - last week's cod was a bit whiffy.
This is from the Woman magazine 500 Calorie Diet booklet that they sent me, free of charge. It's a really good source for Fasting recipes. Although, with the wedges I'm not fasting today.

TUESDAY: Fasting today. Hairy Dieters' Aubergine Bake - can't find a recipe, but it's basically layers of aubergine and tomato sauce, with mozzarella on top.

WEDNESDAY: We might be at Cathy's for a Film Night (she has a big screen & projector set-up) so we may not be having Chilli Taco Salad Bowls from the Hairy Dieters. Or I may make it up & take all the "fixings" to Cathy's so we can eat it there.

THURSDAY: Veggie Spaghetti - a really easy recipe. I may well roast the peppers though to give more flavour, and I may add a tablespoon of pesto through the pasta.

FRIDAY: Hairy Dieters' Pan Haggerty and baked beans. Mr FD is charged with making this - not too tricky, I have to say, so I think he should manage!!

There's a bit more variety there than last week, I think.

The last couple of days have been good weather...the cats have been enjoying it, but I suspect if it gets much warmer they will start seeking out the cooler places in the house

Yesterday I took some tins of cat food to the local refuge and spent a few minutes stroking a few of the cats there. It is so hard to see the lovely kitties in bare cages. I know the good folk do their best but it's not like the cats have comfort... I may take up knitting again (I usually pause in the summer) to make a few blankies for the refuge here, as well as for Spanish Stray Cats.
Thank you for all your good wishes on our anniversary & comments on the last post about our stay at the Hotel Radio. Lots of drooling over the menu!! 

This LOLCats is especially for Michelle & Rick, celebrating 31 years next month! Go on, find something nice to do - even if it's just spending an unhurried day in each other's company!

I spent part of this morning repotting seedlings of various herbs from a set given to me at Christmas. I didn't want to just abandon the seedlings so I potted lots of them, and put the rest in my wildflower trough. They will either grow or not. I also discovered that several of the bean seeds left in the packet had germinated (I'd left it out in the rain after I'd planted some) - so I have potted those up. So we now have 5 bean plants already growing, plus four more just planted up. Looks like we'll have plenty of beans this summer!

I think a walk is in order this afternoon - probably my favourite (which is quite long) that goes through the woods. I've taken to wearing a pedometer most days (but forgot to put it on this morning) It sort of encourages me to try to do a few more walks, as it shows me how immobile I am on some days. I've not reached 10,000 steps on any day yet, but maybe one day. It's not that easy - even my 1.5 hour walk-through-the-woods only calculates about 7,000 steps.

So I hope you have an endlessly delicious let me know if any of the recipes appeal to you, or if you have tried anything from past links. It's good to know if I've inspired anyone else to eat well! I fear we probably eat too well!!!

You can read aout our trip to hear Public Service Broadcasting over at The Teapot


  1. Just to let ou know, I bloody love your blog xxx

  2. Praise indeed from blogging royalty!!! Thank you froogs.

  3. How sweet; thank-you!!! I'm going to try that cauliflower with some seitan instead of beef (I love cauliflower).

  4. I have been wanting to try Pan Haggerty, this may be the week to try it....

  5. Pan haggerty looks very, very delicious!!! What is it, I wonder. The thought of baked beans with it makes me drool too. Jan is cool, glad you have 'met' each other.
    Those LOL cats are sweet!!!!x

  6. Happy anniversary! I missed the post. It's taking me while to catch up after Brittany ! And now it's only four weeks til we go back again! Thank you for joining me on our renovation adventure! Thanks also for sharing the recipes you try. I've made the HB Pan Haggerty...really delicious...maybe I should get Chris to make it! Some chance...he's too busy DIYing! xx

  7. This week's menu looks tasty. X x x

  8. Ha ha ha! The melting cat! And the cat on a walk! So funny!
    I can't tell you how many times I have wished you were my neighbor because I know you would invite me over for dinner!
    THANK YOU so much for the tea! YOU are so nice! Did you get my email?
    love love love!

  9. Thank you for the lovely warm welcome! Just to let you know that I've snaffled your white chocolate and ginger cheesecake - a match made in heaven!! Jx


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