And this week's menus are....

YESTERDAY: We had pizza and potato wedges. To pretend to be healthy we had some green salad too, but there was a lot of CHEESE on the pizza.

TODAY: No steaks cut into heart shapes for us, I'm afraid! A turkey and vegetable stir fry, that's all.
Kezzie has given some lovely ideas for Valentine's Day cards but I'm afraid I opted for a total cheat version, by sending Mr FD this
by email at work! Not very romantic really. Sigh.

Just looking at the photo now I can't help feeling that it looks like the Valentine's greeting is from Dave Newman, NASA Deputy Administrator!! He's a very romantic chap, isn't he?!

TOMORROW: Something spag-bollish. Mr FD will be cooking it with mince and stuff. Hopefully not carrots this time.

THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW: I'm out for lunch with a student so won't want much dinner. We go to a great little restaurant that does a 4 course lunch for 13€. Last time I had paté, followed by a great bavette with potato gratin, cheese and then pineapple. Simple but delicious. Mr FD can have an omellette with potato wedges.

THE DAY AFTER THAT: Mushroom Stroganoff. I think this is one for Kezzie to avoid: if I remember rightly she believes mushrooms are the food of the Devil! I like them.

We'll have this with fresh pasta.

SATURDAY: Stuffed peppers, using pork mince and a packet of pre-cooked grains. Let's see what it's like. The recipe is made up, so I can't really give you any hints!
I got these at Noz. Never had them before so it's a new experiment!

SUNDAY: Roast dinner - using chicken legs. Parsnips, roasties, gravy, stuffing and a green vegetable too. Yum-yum!

Thank you for all your lovely sympathetic comments. My feet are getting much better as the medicated cream kicks in. Still a bit uncomfortable, but not painful any longer. They don't vlook very pretty however.

I'll reply to the coments individually next time, but now I have to go and have lunch, then face doing some cleaning. It's a working day without much work today, so that means I have to do housework instead (that's my self imposed rule!) But first, lunch of soup and cheese on toast!


  1. I'm with Kezzie... mushrooms are the devils own food! (Although I can sometimes tolerate them chopped up tiny in lots of sauce).

    We had spag bol type thing last night. I put red peppers and chickpeas in. I promise it actually works!

    Mmm, roast dinner! I love roast dinners but I'm too lazy to make them.

  2. So glad to read that your feet are starting to feel better. I'm teaching later so our tea is going to be a chunky veg soup (probably chilli chickpea now that I can get Mark to eat them!!) Jx

  3. You thought rightly. They are an abomination! I had an open sandwich the other day in Whitby and twice, put what I thought was an.aubergine into my mouth. It was only when the familiar retching sensation occurred with a shudder through my very being that I realised they were mushrooms!

  4. I hope your feet continue to heal, Mouse!


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