I didn't expect that!

So yesterday I mentioned I would probably be having stewed plums and Greek yoghurt for my dessert...

As planned, I rummaged in the fridge and found the tupperware pot of stewed plums...put a couple of big spoonfuls in my bowl...added a dollop of Greek yoghurt...wandered back into the living room...put a big spoonful in my mouth...and discovered I was eating cold ratatouille!!!! Uuuurgh!

I blame the couple of glasses of wine I'd had with my dinner!!!


  1. It actually sounds tasty enough . . . if you weren't expecting sweetness! I'm working on prunes here today.

  2. I'm famously taking things out of the freezer as one thing and defrosting them into something else.

  3. I like cold ratatouille and eat it regularly. Not with yogurt though!

  4. You are not alone in this - I have served up meat pie and custard in the past

  5. Oh dear... I've done similar with yoghurt and what I thought was lemon curd but being half asleep had picked up mustard instead - nice :/ haha.

  6. We've all been there and done that, my love!!
    Thanks for your KIND comment (grin) - I've left a reply :) x

  7. Oh dear...it would have been so unexpected! lol

  8. I hate my phone!! I wrote a comment here and it is not here!!!

    Yep, done that before!!! As long as you didn't out suspected plums )really ratatouille) into a crumble with custard, then I guess you're ok! X


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