I'm back with news of another Stupendous Swap.

Hello, dear Peeps!

I think that things are getting back to normal now...40 Acts is over (although I haven't really finished, and will be continuing with Acts that I missed in the last couple of weeks), we have been away (twice!) and the Easter weekend is coming to a close. It's been rather sparse over here at Fat Dormouse, so I apologise for that.

I will tell you about all the lovely things that we've been doing - either here or at The Teapot - but first I want to tell you about the lovely swap that I did with Busy Little Chicken. This was "Share Your Country" organised by Creative Chaos.

As usual, I forgot to photograph what I sent Busy Little Chicken, but you can read her blogpost about it over here. The one thing I did photograph was the Zentangle chicken that I sent:

I was sent lots of delightful things in return:

Some pamphlets and information about Norfolk, where BLC lives, and some proper "English" teabags ! I can enjoy a cuppa while improving my mind!

Some lovely scented Norfolk lavender - it's on my desk, and every now & then I give it a squeeze and breathe in some relaxing lavender scents!

A personalised recipe book!! I can slip the cover off & add it to another book if I wish. I may actualmly use this for my weekly menu planning instead - I haven't quite decided.

CHOCKLIT! Always popular! Unfortunately, Mr FD saw this so I'll have to share! No adding it to my Secret Chocklit Stash!

A dinky cat-lovers charm, which I've added to my handbag.

and a bag and postcard showing landmarks local to BLC. The bag has already been used many times for carrying my art supplies on our various mini-holidays.

I have had two lovely swaps from Busy Little Chicken and Rae. Thank you both very much for being such generous swap partners...You have almost wiped away the memory of the failed New Zealand swap from a couple of years ago. Thank you! 



  1. Swaps are great fun aren't they! I've just done an Easter one via a forum.

  2. Fun stuff! That's a funny cat, again! Sending love your way, good mouse!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it :). My zentangle chicken is happily framed!! I always end up having to share my choccy godies too...we must get faster at hiding them!! Hee hee. :)


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