I WILL cycle today!
As I said last time, I'm not a keen cyclist. But the weather today is gorgeous - blue sky, cloudless, with a slight autumnal chill in the air - and I really think I should haul my lazy a*se onto the bike. I'm not going to go out with the Cycle Club though. I've not been out for three weeks, so I will be far too slow for them: last time I'm sure the young lads in the group had to wait at least ten minutes for me to get my way up the hill. So I've planned a 20 km round trip for me to do - one I've done many times before, and used to find very easy. I suspect today it might be a bit of an effort! 14h30 is the start time. Honest....!
However, in December, it is the Téléthon, which is, I guess, a French equivalent of the UK's Children In Need, a day when people all over the country do mad things to raise money for various charities/good causes.
The Cycle Club always do a joint ride with the Club from St Germain Laval. This year we cycle to St Germain, they feed us, and then we cycle back. Last year the ride was from St Germain to here, and back to St Germain, but it was too icy and snowy, so the ride was cancelled. The food wasn't (of course!), and was provided by the St Just Club...Mr FD told me about the planned route for this year, and quite frankly I can't help hoping that it'll be cancelled this year! There appears to be a lot of hills, so I need to have at least a bit of fitness in my legs! Or else....
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